
Click on the GiveNow icon to make a secure donation now.

St Mark’s Church is completely self-supporting. Most of our income is provided through regular giving. This is a scheme whereby members make regular payments to the church so that our expenditure can be planned properly. For us to function as a viable church we need to have some idea of how much money we are confident of having in our bank account each month (in a similar way to a household budget). The best way for us to have this confidence is for members to commit to a regular and consistent amount and give it directly. Any amount you can give will be warmly received and appreciated.

It is essential that this scheme be successful in order to resource our ongoing ministry at St Mark’s. Together we have the responsibility of ensuring that St Marks continues to serve the community and provide for faith and worship for all.

You can use the QR code to make a donation

Direct Debit through the NAB Bank

If you choose to use this method, simply make your giving by ‘funds transfer’ from your bank account either as a ‘one off’ or ‘periodic payment’. Regular contributions are encouraged to facilitate budgeting at St Mark’s.

Bank: NAB
Account Name: Anglican Church Parish of St Mark’s
BSB: 084-004
Account Number: 50-838-9619

Sunday Plate

Collection envelopes are available for you to use. These are dated for each Sunday for your convenience. You are encouraged to bring these to church each Sunday and place them in the plate. If you are away for any period, the dated envelopes allow you to keep track of your regular giving. If you choose not to use the dated envelopes, you may of course place cash or a cheque in the plate. If you are donating by cheque please make it payable to ‘St Mark’s Anglican Church’.

Containers For Change

Recycling cans and bottles.  When you take your bottles or cans to a recycling point, please use the ‘Containers for Change‘ scheme ID: C10089230 the money will then be deposited into St Mark’s bank account.

Your support will enable us to maintain St Mark’s Clayfield as a place of prayer and worship in the Anglican tradition. Donations ensure the upkeep of our church facilities and payment of clergy and staff salaries.